Fifty Things I Can't Be Without.

1. Music (Forever the Sickest Kids, Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, Taking Back Sunday, Nevershoutnever, 3oh!3, Sara Bareilles, Sia, Fighting Instinct, Red, Marae)
2. Skirts
3. Winter
4. Long walks
5. Stars
6. Old-fashioned radios
7. Cliches ; red roses.
8. Coffee (starbucks)
9. Designing
10. Chanel No. 19
11. Vodka
12. Frosted Mini Wheats
13. Lip gloss
14. Sunglasses
15. Texas
16. Mascara
17. Audrey Hepburn
18. Old movies.
20. Black
21. Thunderstorms
22. Reading
23. Paris
24. Vogue (My favorite is Italian)
25. Charm bracelets
26. Net-a-porter
27. Fairytale Endings
28. Eyeshadow
29. Newspapers
30. nail-polish
31. Over-sized rings
32. Writing
33. Having real conversations
34. Mistakes
35. Singing in the shower , or anywhere for that matter
36. Sociology
37. Traveling
38. Violin
39. Victorian-era furnished houses
40. Piano
41. Boots
42. Spontaneity
43. Laughing
44. New York City
45. Long phone calls
46. Wandering
47. Crying
48. Concerts
49. Heartbreak
50. him.


Some of them might seem odd; like heartbreak.
But it's not that I like giving heartbreak, or having heartbreak.
It's just become a big part of my life and I can't be without it.
When I'm not in the process of breaking a heart or having my heart broken...I don't feel like myself.
Weird, eh? (:

I'm going to start the blogs more regularly but I have exams so, I'm going to be slow right now.

I might get a blogspot & just do poems on here.
I don't know yet.

Just Another Girl.
May 16th, 2009 at 07:57pm