Not Too Soon

A new staple in this simple little mibba. Weekly... or as weekly as remotely possible for myself. This is through the words of Juliette. So let’s start with my two basic parts.
Woo to:Neosporin, NCIS, moments, seconds in your life where you can go from average human to the shyest human ever, thumbs up, pen and paper, starbucks, and myspace.
-Neosporin for almost instantly healing the cut I got on a pointing metal thing on the blocks.
-NCIS for being on nearly 24/7
-Moments because I have to many.
-seconds in your life where you can go from average human to the shyest human ever because I seem to do that so much especially with Alex.
-Thumbs up for helping me get around Zack.
-Pen and Paper for showing a friend I’m not a coward and I have the courage to apologize for my mistakes.
-Starbucks mainly for the lovely bitter hot cocoa.
-Myspace for showing me the best bands are the ones that aren’t on the radio.
Boo to:Metal, prom, love, band-aids, Kenz, Katelyn, Tag, generic acetaminophen (spelled it right! Score!), cough drops, columns, lines, my birthday.
-Metal because I’ve cut my self on it twice on my hands now.
-Prom because it symbolizes glory I could never reach.
-Love because it’s hopeless.
-Band-aids because they hurt.
-Kenz for giving me her loss of voice.
-Katelyn for giving me her cold.
-Tag for giving me some of her flu. (No not the swine)
-Generic acetaminophen because it comes with ten tablets which in my case since I get headaches to often and that doesn’t last me long.
-Cough drops because they don’t work.
-Columns because well... I don’t know.
-Lines because... see columns.
-My birthday and not because I’m selfish and I “never get what I want” but because it just goes to show another year is gone and I haven’t changed, impacted the time I’ve spent or done what I feel I need to be better.
There will be more in time...
(Happy birthday to me on the soon coming days...)
May 17th, 2009 at 01:33am