I'm Weak!

I have this new friend right?
well she really wanted me to come to her 15th birth day party. She
was super excited when I told her I was going and I was counting the down till the
day of her party (today). So I wake up and I'm super excited so I cant wait till 7:00 rolls around. I dress really nice and head out.when I get there her familys there..but she isnt.
Her dad is super nice and tells me to make myself comfortable. I wait and wait and as more and more of her family shows up I geting more and more panicky and I notice that my breath is coming out labored and my hands are sweaty.So when she finally gets to the party I'm trying to find a way to the hell out of there and fast. So I get up walk to her mom and say "I'm sorry but can you tell....that I had to leave early my mom just called and said I have to babysit" she looks at me then says " well....is right over there looking for you " I walk over there and tell her the samething then walk out of there as fast as I can then walk all the way home. When I get home I send my mom a text saying not to pick me up from the party cause I went home early. So now I'm sitting in my room cause I couldn't stay at the party I've been dying to go to...I'm such a loser.
May 17th, 2009 at 03:51am