PLEASE HELP! I need a guy's oppinion!!! or a girl's!!

Ok here goes. there is this guy named Ray that i REALLY like. He was my boyfriend, Corey's bestfriend until me and Corey broke up. (he broke up with me for another girl. -_-) Ray, and Corey used to sit at my table at lunch but since me and corey broke up now just Ray sits there. Ray would talk to me more than my boyfriend. and Ray offers to drive me to school everyday and take me home. he texts me and we talk usually till somewhere around 12:00 at night. Ray is a "man whore" he's screwed a lot of girls. But when he's talking to me he seems really open and honest with me and stuff. And if you send me a private message on here and tell me your phone number i can forward you the txt messages. I think that maybe he likes me but i'm not for sure, and i don't know how to ask him if he likes me. I'm so confused =S i need a guy's oppinion please help me out. or a girls oppinion!
May 17th, 2009 at 07:58pm