Breakups; They suck.

He wasn't feeling the "relationship spark". What the fuck, right?

We had been dating for 14 months. Last friday, he broke up with me because he thought it would be better for the both of us. (This was over a text, btw.) Well, it wasn't. He came back asking for me to accept him and all that bull shit. Unfortunatly, I did. He told me he would start fighting for our relationship, that never happened.

So on Friday, two days ago, he broke up with me again. We hadn't even hung out at all this past week. He just wasn't happy.

Here I am, broken and beaten down. My mom started yelling at me because she always knew he was never good enough. I was supposed to go shopping, but none of my girlfriends could go... I was invited to a movie, however. But my ex-boyfriend is going. He doesn't want me going.

This day, I have concluded, happens to be the day from hell.

On friday I lost my boyfriend, and best friend.
May 17th, 2009 at 08:28pm