"Don't tell me you've never watched America's Funniest Home Videos!" ... Huh?

Today, I almost slapped a b*tch. Actually, I think the more accurate phrase would be punched a douche, but hey. Tomato, tomato. (That's difficult to type and still get the meaning across).

So anyways. Backstory. The guys in my grade have recently taken to playing hacky-sack in these big circles all around campus. Believe me, I think hacky-sack is an amazing sport, but the way they play it? Um, no thanks. They play a game called "ASS" and everytime someone messes up the hacky-sack three times (therefore spelling "ASS"), they have to stand against a wall and let everyone else playing pelt them as hard as they can with the hacky-sack. Ah, youth.

But anyways, today, they let this kid, I think he's in 8th grade, play with them. Now, I don't know the kid personally, but he's always seemed nice, and he's one of those kids you kind of feel protective over because they're a bit of an outsider among kids their age, you know? Anyways, he was playing with them, and this douchebag, Doni, in my grade kicks him in the nose while he's kicking at the hacky-sack and the kid is bending over. And instead of having the normal human reaction, and asking him if he's okay, he laughs in the kid's face. I run over and make sure he's okay, but all of the guys in my grade just start laughing along with him. After I took the kid to the nurse and made sure his pride wasn't wounded past repair, I went back with the full intention of punching Doni in the face. (Ironic, I know, since I was partially mad at him for kicking the kid, but if he had just said sorry and moved on, it wouldn't have been a big deal.)

So I start telling him off for being such a jerk to the kid, and he says:

"What you've never watched America's Funniest Home Videos and laughed?!"

Yeah. That's his excuse for laughing at kicking a kid in the face. And no, I haven't. That show has always made me kind of sad because a lot of those people get really badly hurt. I just needed to get this off my chest, I may or may not sound like a self-righteous b*tch.

Edit: I did not punch him in the face, I punched him in the stomach. >.>

P.S. - This is the same guy that "accidentally" kicked a hula-hoop at me so hard it left a welt on my leg last year in P.E. because my team was beating his at whatever sport we were playing that day.
May 19th, 2009 at 03:20am