i ain't got no crystal ball

well, i had a million dollars but i spent it all.

i have had... one of those days.
well, i'ts more like a week. or four.
high stress. low productivity.
apathy is running rampant through my school-- senioritis settled in about two years ago, and people are falling left and right to it's symptoms.

i have very very little motivation.
i have very much homework.
why is this?
because high school hates me.
not just my high school, my teachers,... no.
the whole institution of high school.

my friend is leaving for boot camp tonight =[
i wish he didn't have to go... even though i've only known him for a short period of time, he still has made an impact, and we've had some pretty meaningful conversations.

my best friend is suffering from a broken heart.
that's always hard for me to handle-- i hate seeing someone i love hurt, but there is nothing i can do to ease the pain.

my boyfriend... has told me that he'll never be able to fully trust me again.
then everything seems fine-- he's acting like nothing is wrong.
i don't understand that.
just be honest with me.
i want to fix it.

another boy who was rather close to me has told me that he is annoyed with me 75% of the time... when three or four months ago he said we didn't talk enough and he wanted to be friends again. so. that's always curious.
he shouldn't have any effect on me.. but he does, as much as i hate to admit that.

school... is hitting me pretty hard.
work... the same.

ahh, life.
always hectic.

i am going to see taking back sunday and anberlin at the rave tomorrow, though. so that's pretty cool.
May 19th, 2009 at 08:34pm