Oh, great, another sh*tty teenage band. (Or is it?!)

Yeah, the title is lame.

So, last Wednesday, my friend and I performed our first, fully-written song at our school's opening night. I'm really proud of us, because we said we would do it before the year was done, and we did! Anyways, I thought I would share it with all you lovely people to get feedback and stuff.

I'll admit, it's not the best song in the world, but we worked really hard to put it together (ie: we wrote the musical accompaniment the day before we performed instead of studying for our chemistry test.) If anyone's wants the lyrics,which I highly doubt, just ask and I'll try to type them up as quick as I can.

Our tentative bandname is Shoot Out the Stars, but we're still not sure how we feel about it. Any suggestions?

... I'm gonna stop babbling now, and just post the damn video, but I'm honestly nervous about this. One last insecure remark: sorry about the shoddy guitar playing; my hands were shaking. >.> But it really doesn't matter. Marisa's voice makes up for all my f*ck-ups. (:

Anyways, here it is: Shoot Out the Stars performing "Trapped in Attraction".

May 20th, 2009 at 03:16am