
Yeah, I'm kinda late on the whole Twilight obsession, but I have to read it to fulfill some stupid AR reading requirement thing, so I figured it was the fastest book I could find and, you know, don't knock it till you've tried it. Let's just say I was right in saying it sucked.

God, I'm ashamed of myself! It's long, boring, the love is unrealistic, annoying, etc. All they do is touch each other in fear and awkwardly. I mean, he strokes her cheek all the time. I don't know anyone who does that... Anyways, what really sucks is that I saw the ending of the movie while on a bus ride and I'm finally at the end so I already know what's going to happen! It's extremely lame!

Well, whilst reading, I got sidetracted and began thinking some things, like:

If Bella were on the rag, would Edward have killed her and made for a much shorter story?

Do vampires pee? I mean, all they do is "drink", but I dunno if it goes through like that.

Why does Bella tolerate his bitchy attitude so much? I mean, if you're going to be Bi-Polar, you better have a better excuse than "I want to keep you safe!" Face it, we need more creative reasons.

Well, I'm sure I've insulted you fanatics enough. I don't know. I went into it rather open-minded, to be honest, but I've gotten annoyed with it really quickly. It's the same thing over and over after they touch and start talking. It's just... too long, if you ask me. And don't say I just have no patience, cuz I read the entire Harry Potter series. Haha.

Later. Please feel free to write any hate because you disagree with my opinions. I love being a rabble-rouser.
May 20th, 2009 at 03:41am