In which I complain a lot as a sufficient way to catch anyone up on what's going on in my life.

To start off with, I'm getting kind of anxious about writing anything now. I'm trying to do my biology lab report for our huge assignment (that I'm going to present on Friday - have I mentioned I also have to create an aesthetically pleasing poster by then, as well?) but every time I create a sentence I try to see how it can be transformed into something describing a wooded area or a basement or something that relates to some kind of story. I try to start writing dialogue, which I've been trying to do more and more lately because that's the one area I really lack in, I think, and then before I know it I'm procrastinating or reading a fic over on LJ to get my 'creative writing fix' because I can't seem to get it on my own.

It's hard, I can't wait for the school year to be over. I have projects to finish and exams to study for - 14 more days of school and I'm so unmotivated for all the stuff I have yet to learn - and no time to sit down and write to get things out of my head. I feel really bad, because my drawing class is at the end of the day and I spend pretty much the entire 72 minutes drawing whatever comes to mind, but that's not enough creative outlet for me. I'm still trying to get used to drawing almost every day, now. Writing has been the earliest and easiest way to creatively express and develop myself, and I can't just throw it by the wayside, even if I am developing other ways to get that energy out.

Then there's...well, there's all these extra things during school that I'm doing. I just went to the elementary right in front of my school for a class period to read our historical fiction children's books (mine's about a mouse that accidentally gets shipped off to Vietnam - my third grader actually liked it, which surprised me). Tomorrow I'm going off to a less-fortunate day care in the morning to mess around with little kids and then eat lunch and weed/garden at our local park during the school day, missing all of my classes. Then, the following Wednesday (no school for us Monday and Tuesday next week, you have no idea how psyched I am about that) I'm going to an art museum for the entirety of the day. All of this is like, the week before exams. Holy crap.

I wouldn't normally mind going to the day care and to the art museum and stuff, but like...within a week of each other? My teachers are kind of miffed at me for missing their classes so close together, and so close to exams. I am kind of miffed for having to do more work at home than I normally would have. Though...going to a day care to help out kids and cleaning up the community definitely aren't bad on my list of things to do, either. Just...the timing is off.

I kind of feel like I shouldn't be complaining about getting great opportunities such as these, but hey, this is my journal, and well, I don't blog or complain much, I don't think.

Then there's this kind of weird issue where I'm totally psyched about the end of the school year coming, but that it also means I'll be communicating less with my best friend. She's going away for two weeks and while we'll still be able to call each other sometimes (hopefully) it's definitely not going to be communication that I've grown accustomed to and somewhat dependent on over the past year and I'm going to miss her. And knowing that she's probably not having the best time where she's going isn't going to make things any better, either.

As far as actual classes go...
1. History is still mostly really easy but hard to stay awake during, especially because it's first hour and when we take notes in almost complete darkness from a PowerPoint presentation. The things we're learning about the Conservative backlash in the '80s and early '90s is more relevant to modern times and is stuff I can ask my parents about, which is cool.
2. Geometry...well. It's going well as far as the material that we're learning and what we have to do, but next we have to do an entire chapter writing proofs for conjectures that the book kind of already tells you aretrue but you have to freaking prove it mathematically and I don't want to end the year like that.
3. Leadership. Fun, really fun. We started impromptu speeches today and I love speeches and speaking in front of people. I'm quite excited. Though I still have to write my essay on the movie Walkout, which I'm planning to mostly do over this long weekend....
4. Biology tends to be really easy for me. Darwinism and natural selection? Come on, we're basically learning one thing over a week and a half, really. Today we ate Teddy Grahams and they were so good (honey - the best flavor of Teddy Grahams, in my opinion).
5. Drawing. As...stated above, really. For my final project I kind of want to draw a moonlit forest during winter with decaying human bones half covered in snow, but I feel like it's way too cliché.But the nice, cool black charcoal paper we just got is so inviting....

I'm going to go and actually do work now. God, I could never write stuff like this on a regular basis. Too much energy drainage, I think. xD

Also posted over on my LJ.
May 21st, 2009 at 01:10am