11 More Days... Senior Year Here We Come

Well guys, we're almost there.
Two more weeks left of Junior year and finally. FINALLY. Senior year.
Though we still have finals, SATs in a week and all other stuff teachers are throwing at us, i think we had a pretty eventful year.
From marching band, to actual football games, academics and academically inclined tests, we've been through enough.
But I have no regrets.
We've been waiting for these last couple of weeks since school actually started on August 27th. Does that seem so long ago? I still remember it like it was yesterday.
We went to homeroom, sat down and said "Wow. Upperclassmen?" as our seniors danced around, cheering still from their senior parade. We looked at out schedules, then at each other, smiling. We promised we would make this the best year we could and off we went to the start of another school year.
Our second to last school year.
Pretty soon, we'll be tapping our hats off to our fellow seniors, crying as they walk by as we play their comencement music.
Soon they'll be leaving us... and I won't forget a single senior we love so dearly.
But that means we will be considered offical seniors two days after graduation.
Finally, what we've been waiting for since Freshmen year.
What we' ve been waiting for through all our memories: Disney in 9th grade for the parade, Bio class in 10th and my very first trip to NYC this past year.
All those memories with you guys.
And many more to come.
11 more days... senoir year. We're coming for you.
May 21st, 2009 at 07:05pm