Emo-Ish Yet Again

There is a reason why I never try to be happy during the day, because I feel as though it will jinx the rest of my day...

That may sound confusing, so let me explain.

I love my daddy to pieces, but he has a horrible temper. So today, someone from some important agency or other calls, about something that REALLY could have worked, and my dad is already swamped with work, so he tells the guy that he'll have to take care of it later. Meanwhile, breakfast is late. Then, my mom approaches my dad with something that she wants him to fix for our neighbor, and he totally blows up and tells her to care more about the family and the breakfast is late, and then he turns on me for sleeping late and asks why don't I learn how to cook.

I really feel depressed right now, so I just wanted to let it all out.
May 22nd, 2009 at 06:43pm