
YES! YES! YES! I turned 16 on the twentieth of this month. It was great. I was not looking forward to my birthday at all, but as it loomed closer and closer, my anticipation grew and became a new project for me. My friend and I on the Tuesday the week before my birthday made all the plans. I only gave my friends three days notice about the party and yet it was still a success. Plus my birthday was the last day of school which was absolutely super duper amazing. We did so much stuff it was fun. We went to the park and had a silly string war, as well as a big water balloon fight. We got out of school early so i spent most of the day filling balloons full of a water paint mixture that we threw at a white sheet and got the grass more than the sheet anyway. We ended up just taking paint bottles and throwing the paint on the sheet. We had another sheet too and on that one, we put paint all over our hands and I bet you can guess what happened next. We ended up being completely covered in paint. So before we could go back to my house we had to wash off all the paint and my skin is still stained black from it. Once we got home though we went swimming and that was entertaining cause one of my guy friends was in a cast and he fell into the spa and nearly drown himself.(over exaggeration) He ended up swimming with his cast on. It was sweet. Oh and I passed my driver’s test in one try the very next day!!!!!!!!!! It's so cool to finally be able to drive by myself even if it is a stick shift. Which I like better anyway.
May 23rd, 2009 at 06:50am