Will it be the same?

So we've been through a lot. And I mean a lot. I really don't know what to say so I'm just gonna write whatever comes to mind. You are my best friend and to be truthful I don't know why I haven't said sorry. I guess its because of my sixth grade year. I guess you want me to explain that. We'll my sixth grade year was like hell. It probably doesn't add up to the stuff you've been through but for a girl like me its a lot. My bffs or people I call bffs weren't bffs at all to me . We argued, a lot. We just always talked about our appearance, never what we were like in the inside.I don't know how, but we always found our way back to friendship. I was just so glad when I moved because I was so sick of all the drama. I hated that I couldn't have anyone to really depend on. I'm basically not apologizing because I think its not my fought, just like I did in sixth grade. But I don't care anymore, I just want my best friend back. I don't care about right or wrong I just want to forgive and forget. Truthfully, I don't know if we can, though. I mean I want to but how is it gonna be if we make up and became friends again. Part of me thinks, oh yeah its gonna be alright and the other half is saying Forgive and see what happens. I like that side and I came to a decision. You my best friend, my girl, and you like a sister to me. Its really been tearing me apart and I'm sorry. I know I should come out and tell you this in person but one of the most things I hate is admitting how I feel. But for you I can make an exception. Well, i think I can make an exception. I just don't know. I'm wondering how it got this far and why I'm allowing it to get this far but I'm gonna end it pretty soon. Well, at least I'll try.
May 24th, 2009 at 07:42am