Finally, My first tattoo! (With a picture!)

Hey guys. I've finally got my first tattoo!

The guy who did my tattoo was so nice, bless him. He was called Sacha and he didn't know much English but still went throught it with me in English although I understand German. He was so sweet. The guy who we booked our appointment through, he was yummy!

Before getting my tattoo I did my research. The whole deal about studio cleanliness, artists and their portfolios. Shamefully, I didn't check that out when I went to the studio but I had been in there before and loved the atmosphere in there. It was calming, friendly and fun.

So, after arriving and having the nervous wait I went through with it. God, it was not what I had expected. At first I was okay with it. No problem but the closer he got to the top of my back... Gah. Also when he was doing the filling of the colour....I have never heard such language come from myself! It was appalling!

Here is the result.


^^ A memorial to my baby sister.

The man who drew it did a really good job and brought to life the idea I had for it. The footprint was hers but it's a little bigger to fit in better with the tattoo but it's the way it looks on her birth card.

I wanted my first one to be something personal to me, that no one else could have and he did just that and I am forever grateful to him!

I love it, but right now, caring for it is a bother because of the place it is plus it feels like a sunburn you can't get rid of! =/ Itchy right now but can't scratch it =(.

Got any tattoos, if so share your experience! =D

Opheliac x x x
May 25th, 2009 at 01:39pm