Bamboozle Roadshow Beating

On April 16th after the Bamboozle Roadshow finished a show at Philadelphia's TLA, the Philadelphia bike cops had told Mercy Mercedes that they couldn't park in the alleyway and had to move. THe guys asked for a little more time to load but the cops refused to let them and they issued a ticket. They also issued a ticket for the van having an invalid registry however, they would not let the band get the registry to prove it was valid. Then as one member backed up to get out of the alleyway as told he ran over a water bottle (that he didn't see) and it exploded on a cop. They got a ticket for that, I believe. Then when Caleb Turman came out to see what was happening, an officer expanded his Expanadble Telescopic Steel Baton and told him to go inside. WTK's tour manager T-Fair came outside to see what was going on but was told to go back inside as well. T-Fair tried to get back outside but the cops kept slamming the door shut. Then the police busted in and chased T-Fair into the venue and arrested him onstage and then dragged him backwards through the doors and outside. As they had cuffed T-Fair Chris WTK's merch guy went outside to get the cops badge numbers. He tried to come outside and contest his arrest. He was yelled to stay inside and in discussion the police lost patience and literally BEAT him back inside the door and then to the ground and was arrested for assaullting a police officer when he did not touch nor give them a reason to fear for their own safety. J.D. Perry noted "An [office] has the right to use force when he fears his own safety is in danger. A verbal argument is not justification to beat and innocent bystander with metal batons. After [they] cuffed him and picked him up, a large pool of blood was on the ground where his head was."
I will add in a few links that give the full story from different perspectives and videos since I was not their but I do know many of the details.
This in no way is meant to bash the Philly police but to bring attention to an unjustice that affected innocent guys who had done nothing wrong except park somewhere they probably shouldn't have butthat should only have ended in a ticket or two not three people in jail and one in the hospital.
Also, note that Brendan (from Valencia) had his bike stolen in the midst of this many acts of undeserved violence. The Maine also reportedly had issues with the Bike Cops. If I get a link to that, I will put it in. (Sorry for such a long post, guys) (includes the videos) (scroll down a few entries)
Tell the people you know. As Travis said "This can't be ignored" because if you think about it If the Jonas Brothers (I can't stand them, sorry) had some sort of run in with the Philly Police what would happen? Yes, it would all over every news show and tabloid out there. Why can't this get the attention it needs? Their fans love them just as much. Think about it.
May 25th, 2009 at 02:18pm