I look at you with such disdain.

People annoy me. A lot. They annoy the f*ck out of me and this isn’t an exaggeration.

I hate the way they walk into you and the way they don’t always say sorry after.

I hate the way they’re all so self-obsessed.

I hate the way they can sit there and complain about not having the latest gadget but couldn’t give two sh*ts about the people in third world countries.

But the thing I hate most is how they are all so hypocritical.

Meet guilty suspect number one; yours truly. I can safely say that at one time or another I have been guilty for each and every one of those things listed up there.

But still people will always annoy me. I always see the bad in people unless in some way they could be seen as different.The only people who I am able to see in this different way are my friends.
May 25th, 2009 at 05:03pm