Love - Thoughts and Complaints

In all the articles and books about love, everyone seems to think that its so hard to find and that you "love being in love". Well that may work for them but as for me I hate being in love because in my case, whenever I love someone they don't love me back. I'm not some creepy stalker.... at least I hope not....but I know when I'm in love and both times I have been in love and the guy....hasn't. I used to hate that love songs made me cry, but now I've run out of tears. The guys that I like don't give a damn about me and the guys that I don't like seem to always like me. It's torturous. I'm going to be honest and say that I want things I can't have. I love challenges. But every once in a while I wish that I could win. I wish that I could get what I want, or rather who I want. It bothers me because I feel like I'm in prison. No matter how horrible they are to me, no matter how much I want to hate them, I still love them. I crave attention, doesn't every woman? I am desperate, but I won't settle. I want someone to miss me and I want someone to miss. When I look up at the night sky and think of someone, I want that someone to look up at the same night sky and think of me. I want someone to hold, I want someone to want to hold me. When I dream of him, I want him to dream of me. Is that crazy? Can two people really be that happy? Maybe not, maybe it's all a dream. But it's my dream. So I ask again, why can't love be simple? Why can't he love me back? Why does love take soooo long to get over? What can I do? I'm trapped by love. I'm stuck in a love by myself, and I hate it.
May 25th, 2009 at 08:40pm