Dunnnnnn Dunnnn Dunnna!

Welcome to a Journal by MWUAH!

This is a Journal that is made up of useless information that you will probably never uses in your daily life.

First let me name the coolest people in the WORLD

Sexymanbeast=Conner=Princess=Hillarious=my "lover"=Sexiest man alive=Person who looks like the lead singer of my favorite band=Makes me smile=The Shiz!

Twitchy=Kat=ILVOEHERR=Amazing=my pimpness=Brazilian Sexiness=Funny=Mine so back off biznitch!

Shannen=My sister=Literally=Friggin insane=Steals muh bed=Gotta love her=If you dont know her, sucks to be YOU!!

This is the part where I give you a list of random things....
I like cake.
I really like cake.
Wanna know what I could go far right now?
Its not cake.
Its more like the smiley that makes me laugh.
It makes my tummy hurt (no pun intended Conner)
I dont like to make Conner feel bad.
I like Orange.
Its bright.
Im gonna go now.
Conner's Journal id Coming soon to a page near you!
^^^that was cheesy remind me never to do it again.^^^
May 25th, 2009 at 09:24pm