A Fail Worth Sharing

Today, on this sad day of May 25th, 2009, I found out that my dear friend Willard got kicked out of his house by his mother. Willard is only 15 years old. Now he's been without clothes, a decent shower, and real food for about 3 days. I thought that was the worst of it, until I found out that he's moving to Houston to live with his grandmother, because he has nobody else to take him in, and he isn't even old enough to get a job and support himself. [Although he would if age permitted.]
He's moving tomorrow after finals. My heart sunk once I heard this, because he was one of my best friends, and my lead guitarist in our band.
So, to tell him goodbye, I attempted to make him cookies, because he's particularly fond of my baking, and I promised to make him some like 2 weeks ago and never did.

So, I get out all of my ingredients that I need, and I follow the same recipe that I have for years, and everything goes great and smells good and all that....
until I opened the oven to get the first batch out.

The batter was all burnt and flat and melted and bubbling, and it looked NOTHING like cookies. It looked terrible and horribly unappealing. Sadly, this made me even more upset than I already was. Anywho, my mom came home and saw them and was like;
"what the hell......?", just lost at the fact that I even managed to concoct something so hideous and disturbing.

Anywho, I cleaned up, and started afresh and made new cookies ['cause I wasn't gonna give up and let my little buddy down!] and they came out good. I followed the directions carefully and measured everything to very last drop. They were a success.

But then my mom was going to bed, and I dropped a cookie sheet, and she came running into the kitchen and was like;
"Shawna, are you okay!?"
I think she really thought I injured myself, because all of my past fails. [Trust me, the cookies are far from the worst thing I've managed to do- last summer I practically cut off my thumb peeling an orange...]

all that I could say was "am I really that prone to accidents and harming myself?"
...and she said yes.


So, although I have my nice, freshly baked [successful] cookies, I know my mom doesn't believe that I'm safe on my own in the kitchen.

May 26th, 2009 at 06:51am