
Hey guys!!! Hope you love Like Walking Into A Dream so far. I promise that I will update it soon, things have just been crazy round here for me. I'm thinking about doing a sequel to it, so if you have become attached to Christi and Brian....relax, there will be more.

Also, I put up the descriptions to The Shadz and Zacky stories I'm working on. Hope that you guys like them. Go on over and read them and send me a message or comment and tell me what you think.

And last but not least.....I've been thinking that I would like someone to come up with some banners for my new stories......since I really suck at that sort of thing and would prolly end up making it look....well....retarded. SOOOOOOO please help me!!! Just diddle around with some pics, the girls' pics are on the pages, and I'm sure you can find a pic of Shadz ans Zacky. Btw, the girl who is playing Persephone is Megan Fox, if you don't already know.

Thanks alot guys.......

Christi Gates
May 26th, 2009 at 07:34am