This is totally Sexymanbeast Territory♥


Welcome to Muh wonderful Journal about the funniest SexymanbeastI have ever talked to!

Conner is the funniest person I know on Mibba. He such a comment whore. But that's what I look forward to whenever I go to a room he is in. If you don't know Conner Thomas Wiltshire, it's your loss. He is amazing.

You couldn't find a better Sexy Manly Princess if you tried. I love visting you in Princessland Conner. Even though you said I woudn't miss you, I did. Honestly. Your little smiley face on AIM makes me laugh! It makes muh tummy hurt. But in the same way as yours. Maybe you shouldn't have eaten that cake. Just have your brother bring home cake, maybe that would be best. lol

Loveyou Conner muh Sexymanbeast. I officially own your wonderfully blue eyes.

But this is where I leave you. We will for surely talk soon. And I expect to get a long ass comment from you! *wink wink* Jaykay. But at least leave a little one!
May 26th, 2009 at 02:53pm