New moon teaser movie poster

Well, what can I say:

A-f*cking-mazing in my opinion. I totally love how it came out.
The was they are using the orange is pretty cool.
I'm a Jacob fan myself and can say, Taylor looks like a pretty good new moon Jacob, he really did work hard on his body and all that.

I'm looking forward to be seeing this movie, because frankly I want to see how they bring the Edward leaving Bella scene to life and the part where bella jumps off the cliff and drowns.
The pack of wolves, the effects are what I want to they make all that come to life

Sometimes, of course I say Stephenie Meyer should have just let it as a book instead of going in all out movie. The books were well good, I guess
My favorite is twilight and it is the only one I really loved
New moon was kind of boring, well Stephenie Meyer showed me who her favorite character is in that book.
So how will she make it into a movie?

Well, here's the poster:


What do you think?
I personally love it <3
May 26th, 2009 at 10:15pm