wow okay :)

Today was amazing/weird. :)

Jake asked me out ><
Its been nearly 2 months since we started seeing each other and now hes finally asked me out ^.^ im so happy.
I got told that I was really pretty and had legs to die for by my friends friend. ><

On my way home I never normally see anyone but today this guy came running after me and started walking next to me and talking to me.
I didn't have a clue who he was but we got talking and he was like
"I don't want to seem like too much of a creep but I thought I would say hi because you look really nice"
I was just like um okay. i'd never had a complete stranger come up to me before and say this.
So we got talking and turns out he's 16 and lives near my school.

Then after I'd left him, I put my headphones back in and all of a sudden I got a tap on my shoulder and I thought "oh god hes back"
But no it was another guy.
He asked me for directions and I kind of helped him although I am crap with directions.
He then continued to talk to me and tell me "how fucking stunning" I am.
and all this kind of stuff.
So we were talking turns out hes 22.
I was like :|

Geee I'm only 14 [15 in 11 days though YAYAY]
I did tell him this but he continued to hit on me.
Ugh fucking creep.
May 26th, 2009 at 10:41pm