
So i don't know where else to vent about this where the people I'm venting about won't read so here we are. I've been into this guy forever probalby around 4 years but I didn't start seeing him very much until the last couple weeks. I started texting him a little and we made plans to hang out with a couple friends. I took 2 of my friends and both knew how i felt about him and it went ok, we ended up getting drunk and staying the night at his appartment. After that we hung out a couple more times and I started seeing signs that one of my friends sara was into him, and i think he might be into her too becuase he's not calling/texting her when he wants to hang out instead of me. The whole situitation just frustrates me becuase she knows how long i've liked him. She talked to me last night and said she did like him but wasn't going to do anything about it. I don't even know anymore because as much as I'd like to be the better person and tell her to go for it, it would be just too damn hard. Of all the guys she could like did it have to be him? I could have probably delt with just being friends if nothing could happen but I didn't even get the chance to see what would happen.....grrrr...and now even if something could happen I'd have to worry about hurting her feelings. So now i'm stuck at this weird place where I'm jealous of her and have no idea what to do or how to deal with all of this. I don't know maybe I'll get over it but right now it just sucks!
May 27th, 2009 at 06:21am