My confession to an obsession. [Warning: Rant.]

Okay, I am writing this out of pure boredom and slight irritation. In no way do I intend to offend anyone, at all. I am also aware that this topic has been brought up several times before but I felt the need to have my say in it.

Just to make you aware, I have a slight obsession when it comes to journals. No, not the kind where I will post as many as I can in a day or read every single one that pops up, constantly refreshing to see what is next on my list to read. This obsession is more of a structural obsession.

When I read a journal I find that it's not only the content that makes it enjoyable to read and sometimes comment but also the way the journal is set out too. For me, a journal needs to be clear to read. I am guessing I am not the only one who thinks this. Infact, it is more than likely the majority of you will agree and say that a clear journal makes it much more enjoyable to read.

This is where my obsession comes in. When surfing some journals, I will find an interesting title [also another factor in my journal structure obsession.] and click on it to feed my curiosity and find out what it's about.

Sometimes, a great title leads to my disappointment, not due to its misleading topic but because its structure is so messed up, I find it unbearable to read.

You may have come across one of these journals where it is just one long paragraph of writing, no spaces at all in which sometimes it is hard to tell where a sentence stops and where the next one starts.

This only gets worse when the person who has written such a journal continues to write with 'text' speak and uses lack of punctuation. As if the clumped together piece didn't already make it difficult to read.

It is then that I feel the need to correct every single mistake made which in someways makes me feel like a monster of a person and what some people may call a 'grammar Nazi.' [a term I am not so fond of.]

Why does it make me feel like a witch when I feel the strong need to correct the journal and make it more presentable for the audience to read?!

Well because I am aware that we are not all machines and that we make mistakes. Not everyone is fantastic at grammar or spelling. I used to be awful at it myself until my final two years in school.

I absolutely hate commenting the journal to tell them that they have made spelling mistakes and so on.

However, despite not liking to make such comments sometimes I feel it is needed. Like many people say on Mibba; this is a writing site and on a writing site there are writing guidelines.

Sometimes you look at a journal and wonder if the person has ever heard of paragraphs!

Yes people, that's all it takes to make a journal just that little bit more readable. A paragraph or two, separating your journal in to sections instead of clumping the lot together. It really isn't that hard to do and for those with 'text' speak...

Please! Like I mentioned above, this is a writing sight, not MSN or your phone, Here you are required to write in full words. Okay, I know not everyone on here has English as their first language, which is not what I am getting at.

i jst dnt undastand y ppl lyk writin lyk dis!?

^^ That right there is unnecessary and not allowed.

Seriously, that was just as hard to write than it was to read.

So back to the topic of my obsession. All I am asking is to please use paragraphs and a spell check before posting your journals. Not just for the benefit of curing my strange obsession but also for everyone else's benefit, including yours.

If you don't like getting those comments telling you that you have made mistakes and that your journal is not clear enough to read then it's simple, check before you post and that will make it easier on the readers eyes but also more fun for you to get the comments that you actually desire instead of correction comments.

I hope I am not alone in my mindless ramblings.

All the best,
Opheliac. x x x.

P.S Sorry, I just had to get this off my chest and also to put off doing any actual work.
May 27th, 2009 at 01:08pm