Analyze my nightmare?

We were walking to Carrows and then we walked by this strange lady on a motorcycle. We entered Carrows and it turned into a bar where my grandma and some people I hate from school were. Then there was an upper floor to the bar, that turned into my grandma's house.
My grandma was binge drinking the whole time and being awful. I tried to escape it but there was no where for me to go. I ran to where my grandmother was sitting, on the couch drinking. "I have no where to go !"I told her, crying. She screamed "LEAVE!!!!" I kept telling her "But, I have no where to go!" She slapped me, so I ran to the closet and locked myself inside.
I think this has to do with her making me suicidal times before. :think:
May 27th, 2009 at 09:43pm