Graduation and Formal

Today wuz all about me and the freshman class of 2009. Alex made an awesome speech. My best friend got 2 come and my daddy gave me a stuffed monkey and real flowers. They were beautiful. We only had an hour to dress for formal and I had a tantrum cause my stupid outfit wuz stupid. But we got there and there were two men in sunglasses and they looked like spies, they were creepy. Almost all my friends were there. Me and my best friend had fun. They had waiters wait on us, but I only used that privilage once. I won a contest. Me and all my friends took an amazing photo. And me and my best friend got one just the two of us. We got a kewl souvinier glass. My best friend shoved a piece of chessecake in my friends face and it wuz hilarious. I will miss everyone even the people I don't like. And my crush, who looked stunning (like always). It wuz really fun. I am now depressed cause I won't see half of them again. The dancing wuz really fun for someone who doesn't like to dance. The meal wuz awesome and the music was ok. I hope to never forget this entire day. It is one of the memories that you will always cherish, cause you had everyone u loved there (except for JJ). I love all my friends and classmates and hope they will never forget me or this amazingly awesome night.
May 28th, 2009 at 07:19am