Ever wanted to change the world?

So this is just the ramblings of a teenage girl, but noone said those ramblings didn't matter, right?

This is going to sound awful, but I hate how the world is right now. I sit and watch the news, hearing about all of the awful things happening, and it really saddens me. Its awful how there is so much hate in the world and I don't understand why there is. We only live once, who really wants to spend that life locked away, or making someones life a misery?

Recently, I witnessed first hand how awful the world can be. I went out to a party with my friends - it was a sort of under 18s rock night, but sadly, not all of us had a great time. My best friend split up with her boyfriend, leaving her feeling down and she decided she wanted to go home. However, she was not allowed to do so as there had been a lockdown been put into place, due to a group of boys stood outside the building, battering everyone that left it. Everyone who knew about it was crying, including me, as I felt saddened at the fact that these boys got pleasure from other people's fears.

Moving on slightly, but only slightly, I think I have too much time on my hands. I sit around at home, when I'm not in school and think. I suppose I'm a day dreamer, but thinking causes me problems, as the longer I spend thinking, the more I realise that I want to be doing something useful with my time instead. However, everything I've tried doesn't work. I've recently started at a drama group, which is good, but only runs for 6 hours a week...what am I going to do with the rest of the time?

I want to change the world. I want my life to be worthwhile. I want to be recognised. I want to have made a difference.

Is that so much to ask?
May 28th, 2009 at 02:39pm