What should I do???

Most of my friends now know that I won't be returning to my current High School for my final year this upcoming September because I'm moving, to live with my mom and to spend time with my little siblings.

I haven't told my dad that I'm leaving yet, I don't know how to and I really don't want to. I know that as soon as I tell him he's going to start talking to me like he cares, and yeah I'm sure he does at least a little but he never acts like it, and he'll go on about how I moved in with him so I could go to a school with a great art program and to be in the city and he thought that's what I wanted. And what about school I'll get into better schools coming from a big High school as opposed to some tiny school in the middle of no where, how I'm throwing my life away and I could do whatever I want to do in life if I just put in the effort and all that jazz.

I talk to my dad for maybe a total of 30 minutes a day, combined, if I'm lucky. And most of the time he doesn't hear anything I say because he never pays enough attention to even remember when I'm going out even if I remind him an hour before I leave. He knows that I'm always sitting in my room either reading or watching movies when I'm home so It's not like he couldn't do something, make an effort, at least acknowledge that I exist. But no he sits upstairs on his computer looking at crap on eBay because he doesn't have enough of it already. At least back in November he tried a little... he'd actually go out and rent movies for us to watch together not that it lasted very long. Last year the one thing I wanted him to do, I wanted him to go to my schools Art show because it's this huge event that we have EVERY year and my work was in it but he couldn't even take the time to that, he wasn't even working he just sat at home the entire weekend on his fucking computer.

I miss my little sibling , my brother starts grade 2 in September while my sisters go into junior and senior kindergarten, I want to be there I want to help them pick out their clothes and do their hair for them. I want to be able to pick them up from school and help them do their homework. Every time I'm with them heather asks me to braid her hair into pigtails, and Mitchel wants me to help him beat some part of his video game that he's stuck on and Cassidy will just sit there with me no matter what I'm doing all she wants is to sit there with me. Lats time I was at my moms to visit everyone Cassidy was so excited because she got a pair of little kids black skate shoes just like the ones I have, she was so happy she could be just like me when we went out.

And I know my friends want me to stay here but I can't I want to stay for them yes but I want to go with my family more, Family comes first ( that does NOT mean I don't love you Angela). The way things are right now I don't want to wait another month. I want to move now but I can't because I have to finish school and get the 3 credits I'm working on now. I can't decide whether I want to stay, or just say fuck it. I don't need them anyway I need 7 to graduate next year and I can take 8 courses in a year. Plus I could take one online over the summer if I want to.

I'm going to see what I can do about keeping my credits this year, ask if I can do the work by correspondence. Two of my classes are done completely on computers the majority of both is already on the internet so It wouldn't be that hard to just get my assignments e-mailed back an forth. My only problem really would be math and even then Gabrowski's a decent guy and I'm sure we could manage something, I mean I know I'm going to have to come back in for the exams which won't be a problem, and I could probably get my mom to bring me in once a week to pick up any other work or stuff for math if I need to ( I could come in once a week to write any tests that I'd missed).

I just really dont know what to do. I know what I WANT to do but i don't want my dad and all my friends to be pissed at me for do what I want.
May 29th, 2009 at 05:41am