Any ideas?

Bonjour, Mes Amis'.
I am afraid that I must explain my unusual behavior again. Well to start off my internet has been busted for a couple of days and we only got it fixed yesterday. Which was good because I got to rave and scream "Freedom!" -
As you can tell. I don't have much of a life without the internet. As Joe would say "Awkward..."

But the main purpose of this journal is to literally beg any one who has an idea for any of my stories. It'd be much appreciated if you commented them or this. I work extremely hard on these stories. Please, please, please if you do have any idea's or expectations please do tell.

Please note. The only Disney characters likely to come up in "You forgot to catch me" will be The jonas brothers, the image of Demi Lovato and Miley cyrus.

Thankyou, x
May 29th, 2009 at 11:23am