My sisters story...

Hi eveyone, Danni here.

Well, I've had an interesting week but more about that later.

When I got a Mibba acount I asked my Sister [Nicole] if I could post her story on here. I'm not going to take credit for it cause my sister is an amazing writer [really you are, nicole] and it would be unfair to her. She has some chapters on Quizilla [under the username IndigoStar93] but she has allowed me to post them on here too. I thought the story was already written/finished but she's now decided she doesn't like how it ends, so because I type up her story for her and edit things I think need changing, she's asked me to help with the ending. Unfortunately this may take a while cause we both have exams for the next month or so. Therefore I've decided to post the first few chapters that are already typed and edited and then if I get enough comments asking for it to be continued then we can finish it and post it.

So I thought I'd let people know what was going to happen, Just incase people were wandering.
May 29th, 2009 at 09:46pm