End of it all (both good and bad.)

Well, there goes 8th grade year, fun but pointless. i guess thats how a teens life is supposed to be? idk. all i know is i wish i had me two more years to spend with my buds who were born a bit late.

so i guess i didn't really accomplish much this year. kinda feel like a failure.. hehe. god, apparently the spanish exams is killer, and quite like impending dooom. and then of course geometrty and science. jesus. what the hell am i supposed to do? hahaha. i should probably be studing, but what the hell....

i guess this wasn't a bad way to end the year, or middle school in general, mr.k came around, and mrs.poston was amazing, fixing my frantic fear that they hated me now fo r going to shs. but this fear was not unfounded, i tell you. when i asked to borrow an instrument he blantanly said, sorry no ca do, seeing as your not going to mauldin, you're kind of OUT OF THE LOOP!! i was just like, NO SON. I HAVE PUT WAAAAY TOO MUCH FRIKIN EFFORT INTO THIS STUPID BAND TO BE KIVKED OUT LIKE A PIECE-A SHIT!!! well, really.. i wasn't mad at him cause i guess i see it, just dissapointed that he couldn't get over it and love us southsiders anyhow. and you know, i am a beast soo i guess he finally came around (the fuddruckers giftcard mighta helped..) but you know, band is my life, and i do kinda owe it to them... so i love them anyways. yea for my forgiving dispostion hehe.

but then you know, he has done soooooo much for me and to try to get me to learn as much as i could possibly do, and it worked, i guess. he hooked me up with my orchestra, let me come to his church during spring break and helped me with region tryouts, so much so that i killed dominic on his solo.... impressive. hahaha, i can't help it. when you beast dominic, you know your a beastly kid. not to mention everything that mr.k did in 6th and 7th.
yeah, that guy is amazing.

and i dont know why everone hates mrs. poston? i love her, but it may just be because she likes me. dude, till you have felt her fury, you dont know how wonderful it is to have her like and not have to worry about whether she is going to eat you alive or not.. cause she knows how to scare children thouruoghly, or at least intimidate them. like holy jesus she can scare the crap out of me when she wants to. but she said im her favorite percussion and im amazing, so i've surrpassed being pleased. i just realized how great my life is. hehehe. it would soooo suck to be a clarinet that she hated. uggghhh. dont even want to think about it.

and then my little splurge of 'hey i love you'... it didnt end so well. i realized that in all his sweetness, he is kind of not for me. though im still curious as to his past... i think i have let go of him and all his cuteness. his is so sweet when he is by himself or on the phone but then he is tooo ----- you know for school... and it doesnt work... maybe i'll still keep up with him and his band? idk.

and then the dance. it take one of those 'i really dont care and i just want to dance' moments till you realize 'hey your not half bad!' and so now i have a slight addaiction to dancing, but hey, its a great way of slimming down and haveing fun. please dont comment on the slimming part. i personally would enjoy it if i could at least show myself i can lose a little bit, yjust to prove it to myself, and a few extra pounds wouldn't hurt to lose, you know? im not esther for god sake. hahahaha. im sorry esther. we always rag on you..but we love you too.

well, going back to geometry, which i can honestly say im enjoying. (at least until i find out my finals grade.)

May 30th, 2009 at 02:53am