A little about me...

Saku means flower. The most beautiful flowers are the most delicate and fragile...

FILTH is what I am...

I don't know what any of this means...

I am one of those people who finds love to be a bitter-sweet thing...

The loneliness, while I think of her, with the tase of blood, is bitter...

The warmth, in her arms, her taste, is sweet...

I never make sense to myself, yet others understand me...

At the same time, I shake my head, they just dont quite get what i'm talking about...

Im pretty sure I make sense...



My greatest love is creation...

To draw, paint, write, talk...

To dress myself up, paint my face, put on a show...

Pretending I'm someone else, who has the power to do anything...
May 31st, 2009 at 02:21am