Funny, Random AIM Chat About Super Heros

This is a conversation held between the hours of 1 to 2 AM

My brother has had a very interesting conversation online about superheros, IT IS SUPER FUNNY! Please keep reading... For my brother's and his friends safety I have taken the precaution of changing their names...ENJOY! YOU WILL LAUGH AND BE CONFUSED!

Anything=My brother...
Da Man:Brother's friend...

Anything: I CAN FLY
Da Man: YEA
Anything: JUMP
Anything: HELL YEA
Da Man: well u know how to swim so i ain't worried
Anything: yeah
Anything: learning was a good idea
Anything: Asians don't like water but I'm special
Da Man: apparently
Anything: yep
Da Man: because u can fly
Da Man: most Asians can't
Anything: yea
Anything: i know
Anything: how odd am i?
Anything: i swim and fly
Anything: I'm like a super hero
Anything: maybe ill be Butterfly Man!
Anything: i know that isn't taken
Anything: is it?
Da Man: it is all yours
Anything: Awesome
Da Man: u can be the manliest super hero ever
Anything: O WAIT
Anything: it is taken
Anything: by watchmen
Anything: or minutemen
Da Man: he is crazy
Da Man: it is ok
Anything: O
Anything: wouldn't that mean..
Anything: Naw
Da Man: and he is mothman i think
Anything: Alright
Anything: I'll be Butterfly Man
Anything: I'll be so awesome
Anything: Well
Anything: ButterFly Man AWAY
Anything: you can be my partner
Da Man: i don't wanna be butterfly boy.............
Anything: Grass Hopper Lad
Anything: that is better at least
Anything: Dam
Anything: actually
Anything: I like Butter Fly Boy
Da Man: i don't.............
Anything: Fine
Anything: you can be Grass Hopper Lad
Anything: we will go and fight crime like
Anything: Spider Man
Anything: But we are so much cooler
Anything: I'll fly
Anything: and you'll hop
Da Man: i think ill take the bus
Da Man: WTH
Da Man: much more epic
Anything: you're GRASS HOPPER
Anything: NO BUS
Anything: don't make me carry you
Da Man: ok that is better
Da Man: i don't have to pay for that
Anything: O I'll drop you in the Ocean
Anything: you can't swim
Anything: but i can

There was a lot more to this, but I don't know if your brains can handle this... Hope you enjoyed comment and tell me what you thought.
May 31st, 2009 at 11:05am