march 30th 2009

oh my gosh shalinda im so confused right now...
i know i shouldnt be though because andrew already has a girl
but the fact that he is acting like they broke up,
makes me feel that i have a chance..which i dont.
in my mind i have like my own little story playing of everything that could happen
well not what CAN happen, but what i WANT to happen.
this boy has me going completely crazy
and no matter what i do.. i cant get over him...

"if only now you knew what you shouldve known back then..
how much i truly love you.
how much i really care.
the pain i felt injected through my veins,
the day you told me there was no more us...
im sure you felt it too.
the pain that i went through.
you sliced my heart in two.
and drained all the blood that there could ever be.
so now im telling you how i felt.
and if only you knew then how i feel when im with you.."

^ poem not finished still working on what to put in it..
i think i have an idea of what to do . but i dont have time right now..
so yeaa byee^
May 31st, 2009 at 08:44pm