march 30th 2009

to kevin perdomo.
from monica meraz.

babe if only you knew how i havnt stopped thinking of you the whole day.
like i dont ever remeber this happening with anyone else as much as it does with you.
i cant beleive your so far away from me. i really do hope i get to see you again one day.
i could just iagie the thigs you would be doing if you were here right now babe...
messing around with your teachers.. you were like the class clown..
everyone knew you, everyone liked you.. and now... you left you know what that feels like? i know im too young to be thinking about these things but my feelings for you are causing this.. i want to marry you, and i want to have your kids, and take your last name as mine. i dont know how you do it from so far.. and your the first boyfriend i have ever had that my parents actually like.. i cant stop missing you and everyday i wish i was right next to you babe. i really miss your kisses.i miss that day we skipped at amandas
babe it feels like hell being your girlfriend while your 89765457 miles away..
but i just want you to know your love is like a light bulb and mine is like the sun compared to yours. lol! remeberlol i like yours better though "your love is like a rain drop and mine is likethe tsunami that will happen in 2024 when an asteroid as big as texas hits earth!" lmao abbe your like the first boyfriend that i can actually talk to like this.
kevin alejandro perdomo quintero i promise with my life and the life of those i love that i will wait for you...will you wait for me?
babe i really loved all that time we spent together please, please, please come back to me.
im like listening to our song and like trying not to cry because im in class writing this babe.
lol i just remembered your my pookie bear lmao!! and you also saved my life when i got shot
hahah super spy babee. i really wish that everyday i could hug you, kiss you, and tell you i love you face to face. babe sometimes i feel like i cant explain the way i feel for you.
im so glad we made it past these past couple fo months that you have been away...
you leaving is making me doubt joining the military, knowing ill be away from you for very long. grrrr. now i have to get back to thinking about me and you... bye love =)
May 31st, 2009 at 09:17pm