OMB 5.30.09

I was at the same place with the same people for like six hours straight last night.
My friend got JP to sign his Red Bull can and give it to her. XD
He was from The Anytime, an amazing band, by the way. You should listen.
(They did a cover of Poker Face better than Lady Gaga)

I had the immense pleasure of meeting and seeing The Anytime and The Years Gone By.
We got a freaking shout out from The Years Gone By! I was so honored.
While I was walking around in front of the stage waiting for the Anytime, some random dude came up to me and gave me a handshake and said I did a great job.
I was like "I got recgonized!" -hi five!-

But, the show was amazing, I kept wanting to do it again.
We're doing a Time to Dance cover next time! But it was definately one of the best nights ever.
I completely killed one song (and not in the good way). I felt so bad.
But people still liked us. -happydance-

I got home at like 11:30 last night, after getting there at Club Relevant at like 4 in the afternoon. I got a high five from Will from THe Years Gone By for super dedication.
We had this whole conversation about ghetto Applebees' after my friend's left while I was waiting for my mom. ;D

But I got a shirt, a high five, a bunch of hugs, a free actual CD, a signed EP, some guitar picks, and lots of "you did greats!"
The best, though, was when Will was like 'that's how Paramore started out, she was the youngest and they were still in high school getting drived around by their parents.'
I don't know why, but that just made me feel really good about myself.

The free CD, I got a shirt from The Years Gone By and they didn't have any change, so Nick comes over and is like "Do you have a CD?" I'm like "Nope." Then he hands me one and is like "You do now! Great job."

In short, I had lots of fun. ;D
My friends were all HOLYCRAP when I got offstage, and hug attacked me to near death.
May 31st, 2009 at 09:17pm