
Hey guys.
Thought I would post another one, though only like two people ever read them...
But oh well.

Quite a lot has happened since I posted last, though I cant remember what.
It's been interesting.

Our school finally got to do Stage Challenge so that was mint!
(If you in New Zealand, you'll see us on T.V)
Umm we defiantly did not win but we got 4 awards which was pretty amazing for us.

I got to do the next level of my speech and came last, there were only two of us but there was supposed to be 8. The winner gets to go to Christchurch and compete but if she doesn't then I do.

My birthday is coming up, 22nd June!!!
Yay gonna be 15 and can finally get my learners!

All my guy problems?
They're still here and a bit worse but will not bore you with the details... yet.

I don't know what else to say but if you want to talk to me, I give great advice most of the time, or wanna discuss something.
Just send me a message or comment or if you have any of the following...

Vampire Freaks
The Twilight Saga
and yeah....

So will go and update you sooner next time.

Love you's
x o x
June 1st, 2009 at 03:55am