Gay Marriage (just my opinion on the issue)

Ok this is one thing that I really don’t get. How can it not be legal for gays and lesbians to get married but yet straight people can? I mean they all pay the same things, live the same way (well sides the sexuality that is), and do the same jobs. It’s really stupid that someone who isn’t straight can’t get married because they like the same sex. There is nothing wrong with it at all. You don’t see gay people bashing on straight people do you? No. Because there’s no bloody point. So what if someone’s different then you are? That doesn’t give you the right to take anything from them or do anything to them. I highly doubt you would like it if you were denied something just because you didn’t fit the ‘standards’. And really it’s a losing battle-the same sex marriage thing that is- because more and more people are starting to just accept it. That’s what should have happened all along. It’s not there life so it really isn’t there business now is it?

Ok that was a really unnecessary thing but I’ve just been reading up on all the gay celebs and everything. So my bad ^^. But is it really necessary to begin with?

Also really sorry if this offends or upsets anyone not the purpose.
June 1st, 2009 at 11:04pm