Love Can Be Complicated When Society Is Involved

So I think I might be in love with this person. And now you're thinking "she's only 16, what does she know of love," and you are absolutely right. What do I know of love? But, despite it all, I can't help but feel this way. Everytime I see this person my heart pounds, my hands sweat, my tummy tightens, i get the whole enchalada. I think about this person constantly. I only have 3 or 4 problems. Problemo Numero Uno is that the person has a crush on someone else. Ouch, I know. Problem number 2, is that no way in the world would that person feel the same way I do about them. And finally, problem number 3, (huh i guess there were only 3), is that society would not except us if by some miracle we got together, and that person would get hurt, emotionally, mentally, and possibly physically (but i doubt it). All i want is for that person to be happy, even if I'm not, and i would be devastated if this person got hurt because of me. When this person cries, I feel sad. When this person is mad, I feel myself becoming angry. When this person smiles, can't help but to smile as well. If only society was different. If only people were brought up differently. If only people were taught to accept people for who they are. I think it's time for society to change, starting with our generation. We can change society if we want to, starting with using the word "gay" to describe things that are lame. Or making fun of people who act weird and calling them "gay". Or making jokes with gay or lesbian people as a punchs lines. It's time for society to get over their homophobia. We can make the change if we want to, starting with our generation.
June 2nd, 2009 at 02:39am