At least I was seven points above ABSOLUTE failure.

So, I got a 57 on my math final. Which basically blows, because I studied my *ss off for that final, and I missed two concerts so that I could buckle down and study.

I honestly don't understand how I failed so badly. I started studying two weeks in advance for this exam, and I spent almost every waking moment worrying about it. So yeah, that was kind of discouraging.

This basically only tops off my already sh*tty day consisting of almost breaking my arm, getting into a fight with one of my best friends that is as of yet resolved, and finding out that we might have to put my cat down.

This month's AP issue was good, though. The bright and shining pinnacle of my day.

Sorry for the absolute downer of a journal.
June 2nd, 2009 at 07:50am