First Day on Mibba

Today is my first day on Mibba, but it has been wothwhile so far. People have already began to welcome me and everything. It is good to know that others are so excited to meet new members. I will be putting in a story probably soon, but if anyone ever has a suggestion for what I should do, let me know. I am excited to meet new friends, but I am most glad that I have found a site where I can write.
"You have to see. You have to be willing to open your eyes." -Special Agent Fox William Mulder from THE X-FILES
Yes, well, Mulder, I think I have began to see it all. I hope everyone will enjoy any stories I think of or decide to share.
Currently, I am in the process of trying to find an agent, so I can get my book published. I will always answer any questions aout publishers and agents because I have dealt with both, and any writers that want advise or helpful tips, I can give you some. Rejections are painful, as they always will be, but it only gets us that much closer to getting to what we want.
Good luck to all of you on your journeys -big or small.

*There is always light, even in the darkest places; sometimes you just have to look harder* (please DO NOT COPY)
June 2nd, 2009 at 10:52pm