I'm super excited! School's almost out and I can't wait.

I really dislike my math teacher. You see, she had a baby and we got stuck with the worst dub ever. He tought us the same subject for two months, and didn't even really teach it.
So she comes bak and we had to jam pack everything and then she spends half the class time telling us all how stupid we are. I'm really afraid to go to GT cause she's skiping things that aren't on the final so there's gonna be a lot of stuff I don't know and GT is unforgiving.
I am going to miss alot of my teachers. My Government Teacher was super cool and I learned alot. My English teacher was a blond and not to bright but I had a lot of fun in that class and really loved the books we read. I'm also gonna miss my science teacher. SHE WAS THE BEST!!!!! We watched GATTACA in that class and it made it to number 3 on my fav movies list. She made class fun and for a science nerd like me it was cool.

Most of all I'm gonna miss my friends. All my friends are the "school friends". You know, the people who hang with you at school but never outside school. So I'm gonna lose touch over the summer and then never see half of them ever again.

I definatly can't wait till summer though. I NEED TO GET OUT OF THE CROWDED BUILDING!
June 3rd, 2009 at 01:04am