At School

Heya! Yeah, I'm at school updating this, which I never do *tear face*. Anyways, yeah I'm gonna try updating something (if I fell like it) orrrrr post something entirely new~~! ^.^
Yeah, reason I'm at school, cause I finished my drama letter early, gosh Drama is AWESOME!~~ Yeah I know, writing is still awesome too, also... I'm promoting something

REPO! The Genetic Opera! ^.^ Yes I <3 Grave Robber he is more awesomer than Edward Cullen, yeah that's right Twilighters can hate me cause I think Edward sucks :3 infact if you guys gimmie your e-mail (and hate Twilight) I can send you an e-mail a friend of a friend of mine made it's so funny :3

I'm outta here Keep happy :3
June 3rd, 2009 at 06:50pm