When you've lost most your innocence, you can't escape to fairytales...

I spent all my childhood aspiring to be a mature, grown-up teenager.To be big, independent, trusted...

But now, I wish I could grow back down. Forget everything I know. Be a kid again. Because once you know things, these things are hard to forget. I know what things mean now, things I wish I never knew. It's complicated. A Lot of things are. Then you keep asking your self questions. Am I fat? Is my hair strait? Why haven't I got a boyfriend? Why aren't I as popular as her? Are they talking about me? And you make up the answers yourself, every one of them pessimistic. You think to yourself: I'm fat, I'm ugly, my hair's a mess, I've messed it up, I'm a stupid cow...

Then why you go out to try and improve these things, you realise that the image of trust and independence slowly disappears...

Dirty looks, stereotyping, prejudice, they're all the same. They look down their noses in disgust. You're filth to them - a thiefing, antisocial adolescent. Everybody's prejudgement is the same; they can't see past your more-than-a-child, not-yet-an-adult exterior. You feel disheartened and victimised. Depression, obsession, you wish you could just escape it.

And you could, if only you we're a kid. Escape to a land where anything's possible, where nothing's real, where you have no worries. Everything was simple, anything could happen, anything you wanted. All it took was a little bit of innocence, a handful of imagination, and a sprinkle of fairy dust and there it was! Your fairytale come true.

If only it was that easy now...
June 3rd, 2009 at 08:26pm