It's Me

1. I'm Black
2. African Amercain To be percise
3. I have a another half of me that I'm Glad I found
4. JAMIEE I'm Talkin bout you.
5. Fordia is were i've been born and raised .
6. no it is not always sunshiney here in the sunshine state
7. I Love The Snow
8. To bad theres none here in Florida
10. I don't share them
11. My mom tells me I'm to sarcastic
12 My reply 'What Sarcastic Never!'
13. I also tend to laugh a lot.
14. It's Really Strange actually,
15. It's like Loud HAHAHAHA or a giggle
16. I;m Adopted But I'm ok With that
17. My parents are the best but somtimes there..... a bit high strung
18. I'm a klutz and I run into things it's not safe near sometimes.
19.I've never had a boyfriend.
20. but i'm ok with that fact.
21. I'm short.
22. 5 ' 2".
23. I'm A green belt in karate.
24. I'm not a Jackie Chan but i'm pretty good.
25. I'm Also A Musician .
26. I'm A Singer A piano Player and a Guitarist
27.The Piano and Guitar I'm Actually pretty suckish.
28.I'm Not A Demi Lovato But I'm Really Good..... (to my family and friends)
29. Music is my life I don't know what I'd Do wirh out it .
30. Period.
31. I'm the youngest in my family
32. And It; sucks
33. I have MANYYY Friends
34. But A Select few I can actually trust.
35. I've got my heart set on Juliard in New York.
36. I'mma live there one day.
37.In a Loft.
38. With A Few of my friends.
39 I Tend to be a worry wort.
40. I take things too seriously.
41. Then I Tend To be A BIT Hyper.
42. When I'm mad, I'ma hit you.
43. :D
44. Never been kissed.
45. Sad but true WHATEVA
46. I hate To lose.
47. I will Cry If I lose.
48. Im also a soar winner
49. I'm a Picky Eater
50. Don't ask how picky
51. I'm In LOOOVE With Paramore Hey Monday Demi Lovato and Jonas Brothers.
52. You dis'em I'ma find you and hurt you.
53. The Backyardigans > The Wiggles.
54. Barney > Handy Manny.
55. TMNT > Power Rangers.
56. Dora > Diego.
57. I sing in the shower.
58. I'm ashamed of a lot of things.
59. Too ashamed to even say here.
60. I'm still learning about myself.
61. I cuss somtimes but whatever.
62. I try my hardest to stand out in the crowd everyday.
63. I've got big-ass feet, not much of a chest, and a Fat ass.
64. I'm okay with that, I guess.
65. I'm very violent Sometimes
66. I've rebeled against my parents but i'm ok with that.
67. I had cancer when I was 10 and 11
68. before you say awww I hate smypthy.
69. Why You Ask?
70. I hate when people say there for somthing they didn't do
71. I have 5 sisters one is real
72. Erika
73. Jamie.
74. Lauren.
75. Lisey
76. Bailey.
77. I'm a Disney gal, through and through.
78. Yes I Love the Jonas Brothers Demi Lovato Selena Gomez and Miley Cyrus. (;
79. A few of my favorites All American rejects, Black, Paramore, All Time Low
80. Fueled By Ramen / Decaydance bands are the shit.
81. Marly and me and Twilight are two of my favorite movies.
82. Reading = <3.
83. The Twilight Saga is ADDICTING
84. Little woman and the Nancy drew seris are AMAZING also
85. I have a huge obsession with My Knock off Ray bans
86. Selena Gomez is my celebrity idol.
87. Crack all the jokes you want.
88. September 16th is the best day; no reason whatsoever.
89. But the fact that I met my other half that day , might have something to do with it.
90. Hearts pones smiley faces pones peace scences.
91. Btw, the Gators also pones the Buckeyes Anyday. :D
92. And randomness just pones everything else.
93. In case, if you haven't figured it out yet, I'm random to the extreme.
94. Notice the above random facts about moi.
95. And the numbers.
96. That I just happened to add in because I was bored.
97. They aren't even all facts.
98. But, oh well.
99. Oh, and I forgot to mention one thing.
100. I'm Jazmine. (:
June 3rd, 2009 at 08:49pm