I have realized the cold hard truth!

Guys, Boys, Men, Assholes.

Most of my friends consist of guys, and let me tell you I’m starting to figure out who my true friends are! Within the last week I’ve noticed half of my friends; Guys, are only hanging out with me because they think they can have sex with me.

Now I have never and I mean never even hinted that I wanted to sleep with any of them. Now as these so called ‘friends’ are starting to figure out I won’t do anything with them, they’re leaving. Wont even talk to me anymore.

This has happened before, and I should have realized the other two times that everyone just stopped talking to me that they weren’t my ‘real’ friends. But no, I’m gullible, naïve, stupid! Ugh, so now I think its time to change.

I’m taking a whole new look on life, the past few weeks I’m noticed I’m not as trusting anymore! And I’ve also learned, the hard way of course, guys only think with the head between there legs no matter what they tell you.

So girls out there reading this or whatever. Listen to what other people say, cause I know learning the hard way is the worst way to learn things, I know it hurts a lot worse then maybe listening to your parents or friends.

I know I should have.
June 4th, 2009 at 03:22am