Austin City Limits! (And my unknown affinity for mesh shirts).

So, I just bought my Austin City Limits ticket! Huzzah. It was 85 bucks, which took up basically the majority of my birthday money, but it's gonna be worth it. The lineup this year is pretty damn good, though I still mourn missing Bob Dylan a couple of years back. *tear*

Is anyone else going? Are you as psyched as I am? :D

Oh, and I also went shopping today, with the money my mom gave me for my clothes for San Francisco. My friend was all into going to the mall, but I was definitely opposed to that, since you can't really buy much at the mall for 80 bucks nowadays. So, obviously, we hit up the thrift stores. It was pretty exciting. I got this amazing shirt with this trippy castle/flower design? It's hard to describe; and I was too lazy to post a picture, but if anyone wants to know what it looks like, I'll gladly post a picture. (:

Then today, while we were shopping, I would randomly be drawn to mesh shirts from across the room. And I almost bought one, but then realized that I was straying too far into faux-pas territory. So I just went with this cool, beaded, see-through thingy that makes me feel like a gypsy. When I wear a different colored wifebeater under it, it looks pretty trippy. I've been dancing around my house in it, and I'm pretty sure my family is starting to become concerned.

So yeah, that was my day. It was a goodun.
June 4th, 2009 at 03:58am