A rant about Firefox.

For crashing, right when I was in the middle of writing a poem I actually liked! For once, I liked a poem I was writing. And it had to be at THAT moment, that worthless Firefox decided to crash. Lovely, isn't it? I think computers (or internet, at least) has major, extreme issues. I mean come on? Can't Firefox see that I'm doing something worthwhile, for once, on my computer? But no, Firefox is to idiotic. I can't believe how unlucky I am! Ugh! Stupid stupid stupid stupid...

Now I completely give up on the poem, as I am completely unsure of what I had written. I was going to give it to my mom eventually and everything, but I guess that isn't happening now. Why couldn't it have crashed when I was writing one of my poems that I do not like? That would have been more convenient. But then again, I guess convenient is just not the definition of internet.

Please tell me I'm not the one who lost something they actually put effort into because of an internet issue?

Or is everyone else just LUCKIER then ME? =P
June 4th, 2009 at 04:06am